Tackled SDGs
Marko i Dušan, članovi tima 3D Lab, uočili su da velike količine plastičnog otpada predstavljaju ogroman ekološki problem. Zato su došli na ideju da razviju sistem pomoću kojeg se plastičan otpad sakuplja, reciklira i pretvara u filamente za 3D štampače, odnosno proizvode koji se mogu prodavati. Na ovaj način pomažu i privredi i ekologiji.
Marko and Dušan, members of 3D Lab team, noticed that large amounts of plastic waste represent a big ecological problem. This is why they came up with the idea to develop a system for collecting, recycling and transforming plastic waste into filaments for 3D printers, that is, products that can be sold. This way, they contribute to both the economy and ecology.