
Zeleni zidovi

Community Award Serbia 2021

Kako danas postoji sve veći nedostatak zelenih površina, kreatorka projekta Zeleni zidovi, Teodora, dobila je inspiraciju da ovaj problem i reši. Zeleni zidovi omogućuju ljudima da uživaju blagodeti zelenila u okviru svog doma, radnog mesta, pa i vrevi grada. Ovi zidovi prečišćuju vazduh, smanjuju buku i vibracije, utiču povoljno na ljudsku psihu, i biodiverzitet gradova, a imaju i lep estetski efekat. Na ovaj način, drastično se poboljšava kvalitet života u gradovima i pomaže ekologiji.

Given that, today, the lack of green surfaces is getting bigger and bigger, a Green walls project creator, Teodora, was inspired to solve this problem. Green walls are enabling people to enjoy the benefits of greenery in the comfort of their homes, offices, and even in the hustle and bustle of the city. These walls purify the air, reduce noise and vibrations, positively affect the human mind and city biodiversity, and have a nice aesthetic effect. This way, the quality of city life and ecology drastically improve.