UrbiGo is a smart vertical garden destination for townspeople, enabling them to easily and easily brew fresh food throughout the year in a limited space. Prior knowledge is not needed because the user connects with his or her garden via a mobile application that represents a unique platform where he learns how to cultivate his plants and monitor the light, temperature, and humidity of the soil. Also, every user becomes part of the UrbiGo virtual community where he can share the progress and images of his UrbiGo garden as well as motivate others to join and become creators of a healthier and greener environment.

UrbiGo je pametna vertikalna bašta namenjena stanovnicima gradova koja im omogućava lako i jednostavno gajenje sveže hrane tokom cele godine na ograničenom prostoru. Predhodna znanja nisu potrebna jer se korisnik povezuje sa svojom baštom putem mobilne aplikacije koja predstavlja jedinstvenu platformu gde uči kako da gaji svoje biljke i  prati svetlost, temperaturu i vlažnost zemljišta. Takođe, svaki korisnik postaje deo UrbiGo virtuelne zajednice gde može da podeli napredak i slike svoje UrbiGo bašte kao i da motiviše druge da se priključe i budu kreatori zdravijeg i zelenijeg okruženja.