
Dežurni asistent

Suzana, inspirisana ličnim motivima i iskustvom, odlučila je da pokrene platformu Dežurni asistent, putem koje mladi mogu da vežbaju i uspešno kontrolišu  tremu i poštapalice. Ona smatra da nije strašno pogrešiti, već strašna je samosabotaža koju ljudi koriste zbog straha od greške, straha od neuspeha, straha od tuđeg mišljenja, zbog koje ljudi propuštaju dragocene prilike. Suzana želi da radi na poboljšanju kvalitetnog javnog nastupa drugih mladih gde će im na jedan profesionalan način pomoći da se pripreme za javni nastup i poslovni svet.


Suzana, inspired by personal motives and experience, decided to launch the Duty Assistant platform, through which young people can practice and successfully control their fears and setbacks. She believes that it is not terrible to make a mistake, but self-sabotage is something that people use because of the fear of making a mistake, the fear of failure, the fear of someone else’s opinion, because of which people miss precious opportunities. Suzana wants to work on improving the quality public appearance of other young people, where she will help them in a professional way to prepare for a public appearance and the business world.