Milena i Marija su uočile da svake sekunde kamion pun garderobe završava na deponiji. To je 85% ukupno proizvedenog tekstila na godišnjem nivou, od čega se u svetu reciklira 12%. A u Srbiji? Ne postoji reciklaža! Upravo zato su došle na ideju da pokrenu sajt na kome će korisnici moći da udome stvari koje više ne žele i dozvole im da kruže. Za uzvrat, dobiće na poklon, razmeniće ili kupiti drugu krpicu ili cipele! Korisnici sajta dobijaju bodove koje će menjati za usluge koje produžavaju životni vek stvarima. Na primer, ušivanjem pocepanih farmerki uštedimo osim novca I 7500l vode koliko je potrebno za proizvodnju samo jednog para.


Milena and Marija noticed that truck full of clothes ends up at the landfill every second. That is 85% of the total textile produced on an annual level, of which 12% is recycled in the world. And in Serbia? There is no recycling! That is exactly why they came up with the idea to launch the site, where users will be able to adapt things they no longer want and allow them to circulate. In return, you will receive a gift, exchange, or buy another cloth or shoes! Site users receive points that will change the services that produce a lifetime of things. For example, by sewing beginner jeans, we save not only money but also 7500 liters of water, which is needed to produce only one pair.