Aleksandra i Ivana su pokrenule Well Me Care platformu iz želje da osnaže ljude sa hroničnim srčanim oboljenjima, kao i one kojima preti visok rizik od iste dijagnoze, tako da budu u mogućnosti da upravljaju svojim zdravljem i preuzmu kontrolu nad svojim navikama. Penjanje uz stepenice, odlazak u prodavnicu, priprema obroka, igranje sa decom, aktivnosti su koje su deo naše svakodnevnice. A strah, bes, usamljenost, nemoć deo su njihove svakodnevnice. Well Me Care platforma će omogućiti ljudima da se izbore sa ovim osećanjima kroz aktivnu podršku zajednice i psihologa da uspostave i održe zdrave navike poput izbalansirane ishrane i redovne fizičke aktivnosti kako bi vodili dug, aktivan i ispunjen život.


Aleksandra and Ivana launched the Well Me Care platform out of a desire to empower people with chronic heart disease, as well as those at high risk of the same diagnosis so that they will be able to manage their health and take control of their habits. Climbing the stairs, going to the store, preparing meals, playing with children, are activities that are part of our daily lives. And fear, anger, loneliness, helplessness are part of their everyday life. The Well Me Care platform will enable people to cope with these feelings through the active support of the community and psychologists to establish and maintain healthy habits such as a balanced diet and regular physical activity to lead a long, active, and fulfilled life.