Maja, Jelena i Milica, zajedno sa još dva člana svog tima, Todorom i Sarom, uvidele su da je modna industrija, posle nafte, drugi najveći zagađivač na svetu. Upravo to ih je inspirisalo da pokrenu Barter aplikaciju za razmenu odeće koja rešava problem neadekvatne upotrebe stare odeće i pruža inovativnu alternativu brzoj modi. Kroz njihovu platformu imaćete priliku da razmenite odeću, osvežite svoj ormar i prenesete ono što vam više nije potrebno. Barter vam omogućava da lako nabavite novu garderobu i kao potrošač indirektno utičete na očuvanje životne sredine.


Maja, Jelena and Milica, with two other members of their team, Todor and Sara, realized that the fashion industry, after oil, is the second biggest polluter in the world. This is exactly what inspired them to launch the Barter app for exchanging clothes, which solves the problem of inadequate use of old clothes and provides an innovative alternative to fast fashion. Through their platform, you will have the opportunity to exchange clothes, refresh your wardrobe, and transfer what you no longer need. Barter allows you to easily acquire new clothes and as a consumer, you indirectly influence the preservation of the environment.