
Skillshare is care

Skillshare is care je inicijativa gde majstori svojih zanata pomažu deci u pripremi za izlazak iz sistema zaštite. To su dece iz domova za nezbrinutu decu, a majstori doprinose njihovoj budućoj sigurnosti tako što dele veštine sa mladima i uče ih poslu. Kako bi nakon izlaska imali siguran zanat u rukama i lakše došli do zaposlenja u tom izazovu osamostaljivanja, inicijativa je osmišljena tako da im pruži priliku da sigurnije zakorače u svet odraslih. Za uzvrat majstori dobijaju šegrta kojeg po svim prilikama teško nalaze. Ono što je važno, jeste da će kursevi i edukacije biti dostpupni i svim zainteresovanim mladim ljudima koji žele da nauče neki zanat ili se prekvalifikuju odnosno dokvalifikuju. Kompanije koje žele da postignu CSR ondosno korporativnu društvenu odgovornost, a nephodan im je određeni radni kadar, imaju priliku da doprinesu ovoj ciljnoj grupi, uspostavljanjem saradnje.

Skillshare is care is an initiative where masters of their trade help children prepare for leaving the care system. These are children from homes for neglected children, and the masters contribute to their future security by sharing skills with young people and teaching them work. In order for them to have a safe trade in their hands after leaving and to find employment more easily in the challenge of becoming independent, the initiative is designed to give them the opportunity to step into the world of adults more confidently. In return, the masters receive an apprentice who is hard to find on all occasions. What is important is that the courses and education will be available to all interested young people who want to learn a trade or requalify. Companies that want to achieve CSR and corporate social responsibility, and need a certain number of employees, have the opportunity to contribute to this target group by establishing cooperation.