
Smart Waste Monitoring System

Jury Award Serbia 2020

Mirko, zajedno sa drugim članom svog tima, Nemanjom, uočio je problem velikih količina otpada i upravo to ih je inspirisalo da osmisle ugrađivanje senzora za merenje nivoa otpada u kontejnerima kako bi obezbedili nadgledanje celokupnog sistema i rešili ovaj problem. Sistem podrazumeva mrežu senzora, sa centralnom aplikacijom za nadzor i aplikacijom za  rutiranje vozila. Aplikacija rutira vozila u zavisnosti od stanja na terenu, gde radnici imaju iscrtanu putanju i uvek su obavešteni o prioritetima.


Mirko, together with another member of his team, Nemanja, noticed the problem of large amounts of waste and that is what inspired them to design the installation of sensors for measuring the level of waste in containers in order to monitor the entire system and solve this problem. The system includes a network of sensors, with a central monitoring application and a vehicle routing application. The application routes vehicles depending on the situation in the field, where workers have a plotted route and are always informed about priorities.