
Kompanijski vozači

Community Award Serbia 2020

Građani su rekli da ih umaraju gužve u prevozu i da prevoz uvek kasni. Vozači su rekli da je previše automobila na ulici i da imaju problem sa parkiranjem. Ukratko, i jedni i drugi su nezadovoljni. Upravo su ovo razlozi koji su naveli Tijanu, Sonju, Jovanu, Katarinu i petog člana njihovog tima, Aleksandra, da razviju digitalnu platformu koja povezuje ljude koji svakako idu istim putem na posao. Vožač automobila bi mogao da ubeleži svoju uobičajnu rutu, a ostali korisnici da se prijave za slobodna mesta u autu. Na taj način, ne samo da bi se povezali zaposleni i iz različitih kompanija, već bi imali mogućnost da dele troškove goriva i to po jasno definisanom sistemu.


Citizens said that they are tired of traffic jams and that transportation is always late. Drivers said that there were too many cars on the street and that they had a problem with parking. In short, both are dissatisfied. These are the reasons that led Tijana, Sonja, Jovana, Katarina, and the fifth member of their team, Aleksandar, to develop a digital platform that connects people who go on the same way to their work. The driver of the car could enter his usual route, and other users could apply for free seats in the car. In that way,  employees from different companies are connected, and they would also have the opportunity to share fuel costs according to a clearly defined system.