SDG: Decent Work and Economic Growth, page 2

  • Vrnjački Sapuni

    Radionica „Vrnjački sapun“ je nastala kao spoj tradicionalnog i modernog sa željom da zapošljava mlade osobe sa invaliditetom kako bi svojim radom postali ravnopravni članovi društva.Svaki sapun je ručno pravljen […]

  • Prozorište

    Jury Award

    „Prozorište“ is a unique concept in Republic of Serbia and its uniqueness is expressed through organizing travels of different dimensions in the sphere of culture. The idea of these travels […]

  • Sa problemima na ti

    Community Award

    Global economic crisis and transition process have led to high unemployment rate in Serbia, with young people being especially affected.  For the age group 15-24, the unemployment rate is 43.1%. […]

  • Mladi za stare

    Jury Award

    Young for Old – In three years of work, the team of young people has been built, that team decided that their work will be beneficial for seniors. According to […]