SDG: Sustainable Cities and Communities, page 2

  • Mikodrom

    Mikodrom je sistem za lako i jeftino gajenje jestivih gljiva u kućnim uslovima uz korišćenje reciklažnog materijala. U odnosu na komercijalne poljoprivredne kulture gljive zahtevaju mnogo manje uloženog vremena, truda i materijala […]

  • UrbiGo

    UrbiGo is a smart vertical garden destination for townspeople, enabling them to easily and easily brew fresh food throughout the year in a limited space. Prior knowledge is not needed […]

  • Zeleni krovovi

    Jury Award

    Green roofs – „Zeleni krovovi“ is an idea which would implement green oasis on flat roof tops. The main idea of „Zeleni krovovi“ is to embed natural environment which includes green carpets, […]

  • Prozorište

    Jury Award

    „Prozorište“ is a unique concept in Republic of Serbia and its uniqueness is expressed through organizing travels of different dimensions in the sphere of culture. The idea of these travels […]